What’s So Special About Being A Born Again Christian?

Being born again by accepting Jesus as Savior of you life is the key that unlocks all the promises of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold all things become new.”

Here are some Bible facts about the new creation you become in Christ.

1. You Become A Child Of God-  God the Father is your heavenly Father. Since He is your Father you can be sure that will do His part as a Father and perform what he says He will do for you.  He cares and loves you! He is interested in you in every way.

2.  You Are A New Creation-  When we are born again our spirits are recreated, but our bodies are not. Our spirits are where all things become new. Our physical bodies are still our same bodies. We now have an inner man that lives on the inside of us. The Apostle Peter tells us that the inner man is the hidden man of the heart. I Peter 3:4.  This is the real you that becomes a new man in Christ.

3.  All Things Are Possible–  The scripture says, “With God all things are possible. (Matt 19:26). The scripture also says, “All things are possible to him that believes.” ( Mark 9:23)  The key is to believe in God and His Word and all things become possible for you.

4.  He Is Greater That Is In You!  –  Since you are born again you have received eternal life which is the God’s life and nature.  This is something that we have been given now on earth throughout eternity. This is more than simply receiving forgiveness of your sins.  Our spirits have been recreated and we are now born of God in His likeness and image and mind.  He is greater than any evil we face, or any opposing force that comes against us. 1 John 4:4 says, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.”  That means that He is greater than  recessions,sicknesses/diseases, depression, or poverty and lack of any sort. When we are aware as a Christians that  we have the very Life-Giver residing on the inside of us, our very beings radiate life. The same Spirit Who raised Christ from the dead now dwells in us and will quicken our mortal bodies.

Remember that you are born of God and all things are possible for you that believe!  Amen

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